The Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The Numidians were one of the first natives that traded with the Carthaginian colonies. The Muisca human group (what they called themselves) immigrated towards the Cundiboyacens Plateau. They were nomads, living in tents, bringing herds of goats and sheep, utilizing donkeys, mules, and camels as their luggage carriers. 31 terms. 1760 BC Proto-Dynastic period: In this period, the first authentic cities emerged. Since then, people assumed intermediary roles between distant countries, between the ancient Eastern culture and the Western. During the Pre-Dynastic period, the small settlements prospered along the Nile River. The origin of the city of Rome can be placed especially close to Palatine Hill, next to the Tiber river, in a point in which a natural ford permitted crossing. 28th of January, 814 AD var timelineTypesChecked = []; 1227 AD Sparta is the prominent city-state at first, and then Thebes 2. The city of Constantinople, capital of the late Roman and Byzantine Empire’s, was one of the last great ancient cities. Much of western civilization, especially Europe and the Mediterranean has its foundations in the Roman Empire and then before that, Greek civilization, and the Roman Empire is really up there alongside the Persian Empire as one of the really great civilizations or empires, and when I say great, you should take that with a grain of salt. Tollan (Tula) disintegrates, giving rise to a dispersion of Toltecan-Chichimecan groups towards Cholula where they defeated the Olmecans. The Carthaginian armada was also defeated. Education and writing, on the recently developed rice paper, were both encouraged. The Tarasca culture began. The birth of Egyptian civilization is usually placed at ca. Middle Minoan or Protopalatial: The principal characteristics of this period are: the construction of palaces, the development of the ceramic style of Kamarés, and the appearance of literature. Nice looking timeline! Hence the end of Eastern Phoenicia. 674 AD Ancient Greek art and culture have become cornerstones of modern western society. Settlements started to appear that would reach peak populations of thousands of people. Charlemagne conquered the Lombards. The most well-known archaeological sites from this period are: Tikal, Uaxactún, Piedras Negras, Cancuén, Caracol, Yaxhá, Naranjo, Xultún, Río Azul, Naachtún, Dos Pilas, Machaquilá, Aguateca, Comalcalco, Palenque, Yaxchilán, Kankí, Bonampak, Quiriguá , Tulum, Edzná, Oxkintoko, Ceibal, Xamantún, Copán, San Andrés, Yaaxcanah, Cobá, El Cedral, Ichpaatún, Kantunilkín, Kuc (Chancah), Kucicano, Tazumal, Las Moras, Mario Ancona, Muyil, Oxlakmul, Oxtancah, Oxhindzonot, Pasión de Cristo, Río Indio, San Antonio III, Nahuo Punta Pájaros, San Manuel, San Miguel, Punta Molas, Tamalcab, Templo de las Higueras, Tupack, Xlahpak, Tzibanché y Kohunlich. Nebuchadnezzar became the King of Babylonia. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. In the end, they faced invasions from the People of the Sea, people from the Aegean Sea and Libya. Timelines of the developments in Mesopotamia focusing on the Babylonians before their conquest by the Persians. They reached their greatest extension with Trajan, ranging from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the shores of the Caspian sea, Red sea, and Persian Gulf in the east and from the Sahara Desert in the south to the coasts of the Rhine and Danube rivers and the frontiers of Caledonia (Ancient Scotland) in the north. 30 BC – 640 AD 6th-5th century BC And in Tehuacan, Pue. 12th century – 14th century They historically occupied the south part of Oaxaca and the isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico). They displaced everyone in their path. In general, the Moche culture had great ease in the coastal area to the north of Peru, in this area they developed in impressive form, constructing great temples that became a great part of their legacy. 632 AD Established by Liu Bang. Perseus won and offered the Romans a peace treaty that was rejected. They were usually enemies and often in war, different in their origins, languages, customs, idolatrous practices and degree of barbarism. Civilization & Science 265-420 AD 3500-550 BC: Per1: inter-Persian: Per2: Egyptian civilization ca. It was named “The Greek Empire” by its Western European contemporaries (due to the dominance of Greek language, culture, and ethnicity). 200 BC History, map and timeline of the Middle East 3500 BCE, ... and already ancient – civilizations, with a complex commercial life, bureaucracies, ... whilst in the Mediterranean land a number of brilliant city-state civilizations, most notably the Greeks, now flourish. Muhammed begins to preach a new, monotheistic religion: Islam. Zhou Dynasty. A look at Ancient Civilizations of the Mycenaeans and Phoenicians. 1000-700 BC Unit 3 Ancient Civ. 494 BC They also promoted the interchange of merchants through the silk route. In Ancient Greece, Anatolia was known as Asia to the west of the peninsula, extending later to the name of the whole continent. As Carthage grew, the relations with the Numidians flourished. Cyrus II “The Great” conquered the Median empire, which formed part of the Persian empire. our … They made delicate carvings into jade, works with bronze and woven silk. The main cause was the domination of commercial interests in the Mediterranean Sea. They were nomads with livestock that spoke some sort of Indo-Iranian language and during the first millennium they were divided into various small tribes. Fell into the hands of the East Roman Empire, or Byzantium. 629 AD Chemical analysis of the dated tree-ring sequence identifies a chemical change in their growth environment around 1560 BC, which while requiring further substantiation, may be evidence of the … 338 BC Marked with a tendency towards architecture and stylization. Jerusalem and the First Temple are destroyed, the majority of the Jews are exiled to Babylonia. The establishment of the tetrarchy (Shared power between four tetrarchs). Nebuchadnezzar II constructs the Hanging Gardens of Babylonia. 632 AD Julius Dynasty – Claudiana: The successors of Augustus demonstrated the weaknesses of a hereditary dynastic system. The frontier between both was in modern-day Cairo, south of the Nile Delta. A distinctive feature was their conviction in the existence of a single god, called Yahweh. The first cities and empires formed here. The original Greek name was Romania or Basileia Romanion : Roman Empire, direct translation of the name in Latin, Imperium Romanorum. The Greeks won against the Persians, who fought with the help of the Phoenician Navy. The image of the Mayans as a society governed by priests was knocked down when it was discovered that the cities were in constant war with each other. History of Mesopotamia, the region in southwestern Asia where the world’s earliest civilization developed. Pygmalion rose to the throne to the age of eleven, under the regency of the great priest Melkart who was married to Dido, sister of the king who had to escape to Africa when she attempted to avenge the death of her husband. 2500 BC – 2400 BC Under the reign of Emperor Tiberius III, the Byzantine Empire let go of Africa, which he considered a lost province. This easy-to-use and interactive Timeline helps you to navigate the various cities, monuments, peoples and cultures of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean worlds, with hundreds of entries to expand and revise your knowledge. 146 BC 264 BC – 146 BC T1 - Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations. The Incan empire was a South American State governed by the Incans that swept through the western part of the subcontinent between the 15th and 16th centuries. The last Mayan state disappeared when the Mexican government of Porfirio Diaz occupied their capital in 1901, Chan Santa Cruz (Modern-day Felipe Carrillo Puero, Quintana Roo), giving an end to the so-called Caste War. The Land is conquered by Alexander the Great; Hellenistic Ruler. The Zapotecans completely abandon Monte Alban after they break relations with Teotihuacan. 64The Egyptians are freed from the Persians with the conquests of Alexander the Great. 31 BC Ancient Greek art and culture have become cornerstones of modern western society. Each of these cities made up a small independent state. Tikal shows great Teotihuacan influence. 800 BC – 869 AD During the wars in Western China, Genghis Khan died from illness. 2500 BC – 2600 BC The ancient Mediterranean: home of dissemination and innovation “Geography is central to the story of civilization” (Richard Miles”). Several major Phoenician cities were built on the coastline of the Mediterranean. 4000 BC It remains present in popular culture and one can see its reiterations on film, art, architecture, and literature. It began as a consequence of the rapprochement between Phillip V of Macedonia and Hannibal. The Parthenon was constructed during this period. 31 BC – 14 AD Cyrus defeats the Mede king Astyages, ending the Median rule in the Iranian plateau. Y1 - 2011. History >> Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamia is called the cradle of civilization. We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. What they asked for most was a long earthly life to avoid the torments of the afterlife. 900 BC – 400 BC Romulo was the first king. During its greatest peak, it reached 400,000 inhabitants, buildings that stood 6 or 7 stories tall, a unified sewage system, and dozens of public baths. 4000 BC They created the Greek alphabet based on the Phoenician alphabet. Their knowledge of architecture, agriculture, and hydraulics gave us the image of a well-constructed and advanced nation. Assyria was a country of antiquity situated in Southeastern Asia in ancient Mesopotamia, in the valley of the Tigris river whose limits were: the northern Armenian mountains, the Chaldeans (Babylonians) to the south, and to the east, the center, and the west, Mesopotamia. 330 AD – 529 AD 221-206 BC They were dedicated to cattle-raising but with time they adopted agriculture. Located at the mouth of the Bosporus straights and controlling access between the Mediterranean and Black Seas, Constantinople was strategically located to control the lucrative trade routes to the east. This road connected the Medes with Babylonia, Assyria, Armenia, and the Mediterranean Sea in the West, and with Parthia, Arya, Bactria, Sogdiana, and China in the East. Society was ordered according to the beliefs of Hinduism with a rigid Caste System. 11th and 12th centuries The name Phoenicia comes from the Greeks. In what can be considered as the final crisis of classic Islam since political dominance in the Muslim world passed from the Arabic ethnicity to the Turkish ethnicity, coming from Central Asia, which will end up embodying the growing territorial power of the Ottoman Empire. Jerusalem becomes the capital of the reign of David. 146 BC – 330 AD By this date, the Phoenician cities had adopted Greek culture and the name Phoenicia had disappeared. The Israelites conquered a great part of the Land, they abandoned their nomadic customs and transformed into farmers and craftsmen. It is the most well known because it survived until the nearest era, but the Olmecan civilization that developed here was a culture already in decline, not the flourishing culture that lived in previous ceremonial centers. Venice possessed Crete until the middle of the XVII century. In the year 30 BC Alexander Octavio came around, making Egypt a Roman province. Social war. 31 terms. The Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a registered EU trademark. This lead to the disappearance of the Carthaginian state and the destruction of the city of Carthage. AU - Mathisen, R. W. PY - 2011. The timeline above show the four earliest places where civilization began. It refers to the timeframe of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. 1206 AD A theory based on studies of their pottery suggests that a branch of the Mayans may have migrated to the Gulf and developed the Olmec civilization. Memphis is established as the capital. The Greeks emerged in the course of the 2nd millennium BCE through the superimposition of a branch of the Indo-Europeans on the population of the Mediterranean region during the great migrations of nations that started in the region of the lower Danube. 553 BC 623 AD 622 AD to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes. The major events in ancient history listed in the table below are those happenings in the world that led to or gravely impacted the rise and decline of the great Mediterranean civilizations of Greece and Rome. 2100-1600 BC The oldest registered Olmec Center is San Lorenzo, located in the basin of the Coatzacoalcos River, in the State of Veracruz. Under mandate from Genghis Khan, all citizens (always, even when they were nomads) and the religious people were considered equal by the Mongolian law, meanwhile the overweight population and the Chinese especially were discriminated against. The prophet dies and the new leaders take the title Caliphate that means “successor”. Large, highly-populated cities appear with a clear specialization in the use of space and social differentiation. The people who settled the banks of Italy’s Tiber River then exploded, growing into the most powerful ancient empire ever seen. This is the era that the circular pyramid of Cuicuilco, the central square of Monte Alban, and the pyramid of the moon in Teotihuacan are estimated to have been built. After his death, the previous Emperor that governed all of the Roman Empire, Flavio Theodosius, split the kingdom amongst his children: Arcadio received the Eastern Empire, consisting of the Balcan Peninsula, Anatolia, the Middle East, and Egypt which came to be called the Byzantine Empire. After this emperor was defeated by a barbarian leader named Odoacro, the Western Roman Empire disappeared and gave way to the middle ages. New Kingdom: In the outward expansion arrived at the Euphrates (Asia) as well as to Nubia (Africa). The French, the Swabians, the Burgundians, the Anglos, the Saxons, and the Jutes, the Vandals, the Frisians, the Alans (Iranian), and the Germans constituted the rest of the people. There is improvement and development of communications over land and sea through construction of roads and ports, which allowed merchant ships to trade agricultural and artistic products for raw materials. The Medes controlled the East-West trade, but they also were rich in agricultural production. The cultural influence of Teotihuacana was felt throughout the region. 2250 BC – 2050 BC This was the first dynasty of reunified China, which was much larger than when it was under the Zhou Dynasty. The people that were dominated and that accepted the new religion were known as “Muslims”. Trade was strongly developed and the concept of private property was created. Invasion by the Hittites from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). They had a class system with aristocrats and plebeians. 476 AD They dedicated themselves to pottery, sculpting, architecture, painting, goldsmithing, and notably fishing, which was and continues to be the primary activity of the P’urepechans. They were a nomadic people from the area of Mongolia and Central Asia. They exported large luxury items to other regions, like polychromatic ceramics, feather art, silverware, carvings in rock crystal, bone, and wood; as well as subsistence goods, which were typical of the tropics and temperate zones. The information codified in the documents revealed that they had already inhabited a small island since 1274 AD. Late Antiquity: characterized by the decline of Roman polytheism facing the advance of Christianity. 930 BC There is an invasion of the Germanic and Slavic people. Latin reign over Jerusalem. Phoenicia refers to a group of independent cities that were more interested in trade than building an empire. For unknown reasons, the gradual decline that ends in the 8th Century AD, even though the valley was never abandoned. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. • Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations Timeline (10000 BC to 700 AD) Alexander the Great conquered the region, 100 BC – 0 AD Though this era, the Mixtecans were one of the region’s most prosperous civilizations in Mesoamerica. 500 BC – 323 BC 965 BC – 930 BC Civilizations were formed throughout history, at different stages and places. The agricultural base of the economy, the sedentarism, the use of the planting pipe, the cultivation of corn and nixtamalization, the ball game, the use of two calendars (260-day ritual calendar and 365-day civil calendar), the human sacrifices as part of religious expression, the number system to base 20, the lithic technology, and the absence of metallurgy, amongst others are characteristic features of the Mesoamerican Culture. Agriculture, industry, and trade flourished. Chemical analysis of the dated tree-ring sequence identifies a chemical change in their growth environment around 1560 BC, which while requiring further substantiation, may be evidence of the Thera eruption. The Phoenicians establish themselves on the coasts of Syria and Libya, coming from Arabia in the 4th century BC. Timeline of the Ancient World; 3500-3000 BC: 3000-2000 BC: 2000-1000 BC: 1000 BC-0: 0-500: Mesopotamian civilization ca. 600 BC – 889 AD Octavian founded in its place the Roman colony Julian Carthage, which became the capital of the Roman province in Africa, one of the most important producers of grain in the empire. Cyrus the Great conquered the Medes, defeated Babylonia, Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor. 1070 BC – 656 BC There is evidence of pastoral life and cultivation of grain in the Eastern Sahara. 2600 BC – 2500 BC The emperors manage to stop the advance of the Arabs in the south and the Bulgarians in the north. The Babylonians take Jerusalem. Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, known has Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. 1792 BC 1100 BC – 750 BC Philosophy & Religion It was a simple system that permitted the diffusion of knowledge and culture. The Chibchan village, was more civilized than those occupying the Nuevo Reino de Granada (Colombia). The Tayronans, descendants of the Chibchans, reached a level of development envied by other Colombian cultures. They culminated the conquest of Persia (modern day Iran). 3000-550 BC. In the Precolumbian Era, the Zapotecans were one of the most important civilizations of Mesoamerica. Even though the origin of the Olmec culture is not known, the network of trade between distinct areas of Mesoamerica contributes to the diffusion of many cultural elements that are associated with the Olmec culture, including the worship of mountains and caves, the worship of the Feathered Serpent as a deity associated with agriculture, the religious symbolism of jade and also their own artistic style that was reworked intensely in the following centuries to the decline of major centers of this society.