That’s a tank that has plants extending above the water surface, as well as underwater life. The males usually have blue stripes while the females have silver stripes on their bodies. All about Freshwater Fish. Swordtails live peacefully with other less aggressive fish like Mollies, Angelfish, and Black Skirt Characins. They prefer to swim in the upper regions of the tank along with other peaceful community fish like smaller Rainbow Fish, Dwarf Gourami, Tetras, and Dwarf Corydoras. If that difference is .4 to 0.8, continue to do that for two hours. Boraras Brigittae likes a mature setup that has plenty of planting but also includes open areas for swimming. The Dwarf Gourami is native to Bangladesh and India but is currently one of the most popular fish breeds in freshwater community tanks. Installing a potent filtration system is a must because these fish can’t tolerate toxins and chemicals. Neons do best in a heavily planted tank with subdued lighting and lots of hiding places, such as caves, driftwood, etc, Provide plenty of open water too, as these fish like to hang out in the midwater area of the aquarium creating a breathtaking display of shimmering color as they shoal together. The males are usually 14 cm long while the females are slightly bigger measuring 16 cm long. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',109,'0','0'])); Cumana Poecilia Wingei by Dgrummon (CC BY-SA 4.0). Most of these exceptionally colorful freshwater fish can contribute to an impressive display aquarium. This fish keeps on changing its pattern until it reaches maturity, usually having a silver body with red stripes. These large fishes are best known for their habit of shooting down insects with a jet of water. The colors are completely natural and produced through genetics, rather than artificial dyes, so the color does not fade. Bettas are labyrinth fish, and they also construct bubble nests. All species of fish are sensitive to sudden temperature and environmental changes, and for that reason, it’s essential that you acclimate your fish before putting them into your tank. If you want any fry to survive, provide a spawning box or dense floating plants. Betta fish is my personal favourite. Before introducing a new fish, you should keep it isolated for a couple of weeks to make sure that it won’t transmit any disease to the fish you already have. Remove the fish from the bag using a net, and carefully put them into the tank, discarding the water in the bag. You’ll need a fairly large tank that’s at least 12 inches deep, planted with lots of lush growth and floating plants that provide plenty of hiding places for these labyrinth fish. In the meantime, here are a few basic pointers so that you know what you’re taking on. Like other gourami species, the Pearl Gourami is a bubble nester that will spawn in captivity, provided that conditions are good. Also, fish are highly susceptible to stress. The major difference between freshwater fish and saltwater fish is their choice of environment and psychological adaptation. They are … Freshwater angelfish are probably one of the most recognizable fish species and for good reason. The female should be removed from the tank while the male keeps the eggs in his mouth and moves them to the nest.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-box-4','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])); After the eggs hatch, the fry stays in the nest for a few more days. In their natural habitat, these fish prefer slow-moving waters of rivers, canals, ponds, ditches, swamps, and rice fields.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',105,'0','0'])); Today, they’re very popular among beginners and experienced aquarists because they’re quite easy to care for. The Zebra Pleco fish have a white body with black lateral stripes, resembling the pattern of the zebra. Also known as the Fancy Guppy, Rainbow Fish, Fancy Millions Fish, and Ornamental Guppy, is a popular freshwater community tank fish that is native to Trinidad, Venezuela, and Barbados. Feed your betta high-quality flake food, as well as freeze-dried and frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. On 05/23/2018 10/06/2019 by alexander. 1. It resists very low water temperatures, but it is not good for the temperature changes to occur suddenly. There are soft rays on the dorsal and anal fins, and the males usually have a sword-like structure that protrudes from the caudal fin. Food should be offered 3 or 4 times a day. But first, here is a quick list of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish we are going to look at.-Bettas -Guppies -Neon Tetras -Danios -Green Swordtails -Fancy Goldfish -Harlequin Rasboras -Cory Catfish -Southern Platyfish -Dwarf Gouramis -Kuhli Loach -Common Molly -Endlers -White Cloud Mountain Minnows. This interesting catfish is native to the Xingu River in Brazil and is a bit rare to find but you can still get some for your freshwater community tank. They’re small—only about an inch long as adults—so don’t stock them with large fish who may see them as a snack. TOP-10 exotic and coolest freshwater aquarium fishes includes: arowana, ropefish, butterflyfish, dwarf puffer, flowerhorn, snakehead and so on. They have elongated bodies with a mouth that faces upward because they breathe air at the surface of the water. Pearl Danios are prolific breeders, and they will spawn readily in a shallow breeding tank that has a coarse gravel substrate on which they can scatter their eggs. These peaceful sociable fish make a great addition to a large tank but are not the easiest to care for, so we recommend that only experienced hobbyists take on this species. These unique traits range from fin shapes to body patterns and even elongated organs. The Boesemani Rainbowfish is a beautiful fish that looks absolutely gorgeous when displayed in a school in a heavily planted aquarium with a dark substrate and plenty of rockwork. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the most popular species available in the freshwater aquarium in recent years. Angelfish are quite large, and they do need lots of swimming space, as well as rocks, driftwood, and plants in their setup. You can create an awesome display in your home aquarium by including some of the rarest, coolest, and most exotic species of freshwater aquarium fish that are available to the home hobbyist. These carnivorous fishes are brightly colored with blue to yellow body coloration augmented by brilliant orange stripes and spots. Username: Khan. Water temperature: From 64° to 75° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 68° to 78° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 72° to 75° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 79° to 86° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 66° to 72° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 72° to 80° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 72° to 77° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 74° to 79° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 72° to 79° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 72° to 82° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 60° to 77° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 75° to 86° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 75° to 82° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 73° to 79° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 77° to 82° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 64° to 77° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 75° to 80° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 73° to 82° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 68° to 82° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 73° to 77° Fahrenheit, Water temperature: From 64° to 82° Fahrenheit. While alligator gars might look threatening, they are actually more scared of you than you may think. It’s also a good choice if you want to have a pair in a tank. Perfect mates: Discus, Angelfish, and Tetras. Leave plenty of swimming space in the midwater column, perhaps interspersed with tall plants. If the water temperature is kept at the upper end of the gourami’s preferred range, they will spawn readily, building bubble nests and establishing territories in the tank. Clearly one of the most exotic and coolest freshwater aquarium fish, the Flowerhorn Cichlids are interesting man-made hybrids that can’t be found in the wild. They slow moving water, that is full of driftwood and other great places for hiding in. These fish prefer to be kept in low-light conditions and are most lively at dusk and dawn. Arowanas are native to the Amazon River and characterized by being powerful swimmers who can easily survive in a challenging environment. About Yourself: new guy. These weird creatures are totally transparent, enabling you to see the fish’s internal organs and skeleton. One of the benefits of freshwater aquariums is that they are easier to care for than saltwater ones. These gorgeous little fish need a tank that’s densely planted and that has a stable environment with very good water quality. Swordtails are easy to care for and can live up to 5 years with proper care. The Elephantnose fish prefers to hide all day and becomes active at night. Also known as the Lace Gourami, this cool tropical freshwater fish is one of the most popular Gourami fish for aquarium lovers, thanks to its beautiful appearance and its hardy build. These dwarf fishes, although small in size are so beautifully colored that will brighten up even the dullest of fish tanks. These fish are livebearers, and they can be encouraged to spawn in captivity, although you’ll get best results if you use a spawning tank. The Archer Fish is a tropical, schooling species that can live in brackish or freshwater. The Nitrogen Cycle, as it’s called, can take up to six weeks to kick in properly, and is absolutely crucial for a safe, healthy tank. The Fantail Guppy feeds on algae, freeze-dried worms, flakes, and brine shrimp. They need to eat 2 or 3 times a day to stay in perfect health. They can live for more than 10 years and can grow up to 22 cm in length. The American Flagfish is an easy-to-care-for killifish that is well-known for both its algae-eating services and its stunning colors. The adult fish should be well fed; otherwise, they might start feeding on the fry. These fish look a bit unusual due to the shape of their mouths that looks a lot like the elephant’s nose or trunk. Then let us show you some of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish available to the home aquarist. These fish are not the easiest to keep healthy, and for that reason, we don’t recommend them to beginner hobbyists. Also, they are very inexpensive. Warm water can cause severe nerve damage in Goldfish. Unlike some of the other barb species, these are peaceful characters that make a pretty addition to a large community tank. The Coolest Freshwater Aquarium Fish: This list is compiled of examples of various types of fish that you can keep as a beginner, the fishes that are mentioned here meet all the requirements that you will be looking for as a fish keeper. In the river, these fish feed on insects, crustaceans, smaller fish and even smaller birds, rabbits, frogs or snakes that can be found in the water. They also prefer highly oxygenated water, so you need to keep some air stones. They need to live in a large tank with plenty of swimming space. You can read an in-depth article at this link, which explains how to care for a freshwater aquarium. They prefer to feed on spineless creatures, worms, and aquatic insects. Changing 25% to 50% of the water twice a month is recommended to keep the fish healthy. These fish aren’t suitable for beginner aquarists because they’re very sensitive and require special care. Bettas are sensitive to sudden fluctuations in temperature, and you need an efficient filtration system to keep the water clean. Perfect mates: Fantail Guppies and Hatchetfish. Spend your time to study different species and make sure that you’ve created the perfect home for the fish you prefer. These fish are primarily carnivorous, although mine did enjoy grazing on algae too. That being said, you can keep your Chinese Hillstream Loach with any other gentle and docile community fish. You should provide them with a balanced diet of Cichlid pellets, flakes, and frozen food, in addition to some vegetation. These fish are suitable for beginners as well as experienced aquarists and prefer hard water. Most of the fish species that we included in our list are suitable for beginners and many make a great addition to a peaceful community tank, so we reckon that there’s something for everyone here. Like all rainbowfish, Boesemanis have very large mouths, but their throats are narrow. The Zebra Pleco fish are nocturnal bottom dwellers that don’t prefer to compete for food. WYSIWYG Freshwater Fish now available in the Diver's Den®! They can get along with Congo Tetras, Neon Tetras, and Cardinal Tetras. Pond Liner: EPDM VS PVC – What’s The Difference? You can read more about the Nitrogen Cycle in our detailed guide. For that reason, you should offer the fish foods that are small enough to be easily swallowed. Malawi Mbunas They are omnivores and in their natural habitat will eat plants as well as worms and larvae. The male builds a nest using plant bits where the female lays 300 to 800 eggs. Peacock Gudgeons are peaceable in nature, settling in well in a community setup, biotope, or planted tank. They can also be kept in a small tank as long as it’s not crowded. These captive-bred danios are available in super-bright red, green, orange, blue, and purple. Those fish came in water that carried a whole bunch of snails that weren’t visible to the naked eye until they began to grow. It gained its popularity as it was introduced to different parts of the world to fight malaria as it mainly feeds on mosquito larvae in its natural habitat.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquamovement_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); The Fantail Guppy fish is characterized by having a black or silver body with a large dorsal fin that spreads out in the shape of a fan. Feed your fish a mixture of algae-based flake foods together with frozen and freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex. If you don’t have a lot of algae growing in your tank, you’ll need to supplement the American Flagfish’s diet with algae wafers. Your aquarium filter contains mechanical and biological elements, and some have a chemical element too. These fish usually feed on smaller fish so they’re not suitable candidates for a community tank with lots of other smaller species. The Flowerhorn Cichlid fish is aggressive and territorial, so it’s best kept alone as a show fish. These gorgeous fish with their patriotic coloring feed on a diet of live foods, including white worms, brine shrimp, tubifex, frozen meaty foods, and tropical flakes. Bloodfin Tetras create a spectacular display when kept in schools in a nicely aquascaped tank containing plenty of plants, rocks, and driftwood. That said, Ghost Glass Cats are schooling fish that must be kept in a group of at least five individuals if they are to thrive. Betta fish is the coolest freshwater aquarium fish for beginners. The bottom should be covered with sand so that the fish don’t damage their sensitive mouths. Freshwater fish spend their entire life in fresh water like lakes and rivers where the salinity level is less than 0.04%. An interesting fact about mollies is that, like guppies, they are livebearers. Making the fish feel safe will encourage them to come out more often. Don’t be shy! In this article, we show you some of the most amazing freshwater fish that offer you something different to the usual Guppies ( Not that we don’t like Guppies). American Flagfishes thrive in community tanks and even in small outdoor ponds, preferring dense planting and cover provided by floating plants. Many people report that the Asian Stone Catfish is lazy because it doesn’t move around much. Once the eggs are laid, you can enjoy watching the male fish guarding them until the fry hatches. Short finned are easier to care for and are more common, so … Since the Flowerhorn Cichlids are quite aggressive, they’re best kept with larger fish that they can’t attack. The Roseline Torpedo Shark is also known as the Denison Barb and Red Lined Torpedo Shark. Bill Lepree! There are quite a few options out there when you’re looking for freshwater fish for a 20 gallon tank. When you’re happy that the fish are healthy, you can put them into your display tank. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hobbyist, find quality aquatic life all backed by our 14-day Arrive Alive, Stay Alive®, Risk-Free Guarantee for a risk-free experience. They won’t eat algae and food should be offered 2 or 3 times a day.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquamovement_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',112,'0','0'])); Regular water changes are recommended to keep the water highly oxygenated. Feed these challenging fish tropical flakes, pellets, and frozen meaty foods too. They shouldn’t be kept with other species that have a similar coloring like the Electric Blue Johanni as the males will compete and try to kill each other.