Extracts of the leaves have been used topically for the treatment of rheumatic disorders. They help with the general stress response, they strengthen the adrenals, and they're loaded with minerals and trace elements. I've only ever picked the long green hanging strands and dried them, haven't bothered with ripe seed at all. Taking stinging nettle might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) has been a staple in herbal medicine since ancient times, such as to treat arthritis and back pain. Nettle seeds have to be rubbed through a sieve: you just eat them, you don't boil them in any way. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5836 However, clinical trials are limited. Your blog (November 18, 2004) was reference in an email from David Winston to Herbal Hall. It has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years. I first encountered your blog in 2005 when looking for nettle seed tincture to buy. David Winston uses nettle seed for all sorts of kidney trouble. are there microscopic bugs on the nettle leaves or was that guy who told me drunk? Nettle: Dosage, Dosage . Oh Hetta, I just love you and your blog! Pic: Nettle seed climbing up the sides of a glass of water. But hopw does it work? Just thought I'd give some feedback and answer the question on whether the tincture works in place of the seeds. Physical and mental stamina is usually increased, and exertion may seem more enjoyable to the individual. The seeds taste mild with a crunchy texture and can be easily added to dishes. i think the journal of the American Herbalists Guild ran an article but do not know when. i would like to know if mother nature provides a cure in nettle seeds. One of its medical applications is its efficacy in curing hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism both. Stinging nettle is usually available in the following forms: Tea; Capsules (leaf or root extract) Tinctures (extract dissolved in alcohol) Loose leaves; Dried roots; Cream or gel (for arthritis and pain) If collected and processed carefully, wild stinging nettle can also be gathered and cooked into many recipes. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Nettle being a source of iodine, revamps thyroid gland activity. Which makes sense in its own way, too: milky oats is an excellent nerve restorer, and Jim uses herbs specifically, in drop doses, where fresh herb tinctures are at their very best. This information should not be used to decide whether or not to take this product. U. dioica and U. urens are botanically very similar; they are often distributed together in the wild and considered therapeutically interchangeable. Formic acid gives normal ants their sting - dunno what fireants use, but it must be something with a bit more, ahem, sting. Here are 6 evidence-based benefits of stinging nettle. In addition, a column extraction of stinging nettle roots using benzene as an eluent afforded efficient enzyme inhibiting activity. The stinging trichomes of nettle contain amines, including histamine, serotonin, and choline. Treatment is the same for anemia as for allergies, at 1/2 tsp of dried leaves per cup of food. Bye, Omar. Last season I picked some seed and dried them, and tried them once but not in yogurt, possibily they stayed on the glass. Believe you me, mouth mucosa is way more sensitive than fingertips. Also, I am wondering how to determine the appropriate time to collect and dry the seeds. I had a lovely day yesterday stripping them off their stalks into a bag, and then sifting them out at home, about half a litre's worth in the end. But I have no idea just how much to give him. Nettle seeds are adaptogens. Dosage: 1/2–1 teaspoon of fresh or dried seeds sprinkled into salads, soups, stews, etc. Dunno how it works. Before starting a natural treatment for low iron, be sure to have your vet take a blood sample and have it tested. 1-2 tablespoons of dried nettle seed a day to all our inmates please." Compared to many other seeds, nettle seeds are soft and could be eaten just like that but are better mixed in for example smoothies, yogurt and porridge. Avoid use. I'm sure I've seen German references to the horse peddlers, too, but I don't have all my old books anymore. This is just wonderful, Henriette. Follow the directions on the package label or use the lowest effective dose. It's been a while since last I'd rubbed nettle seed, and I'd forgotten all about that bit. 3. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Here is to a wild, invasive, highly useful medicinal food. Some of the claims are better supported by research than others. We use only wild nettle seeds in our products. Is there a reason why this would not be effective? The method of taking stinging nettle will vary depending on its intended use. Depurative– cleanses the blood, often helpful for skin and detoxifying. Gout 5. Urtica dioica, often known as common nettle, stinging nettle (although not all plants of this species sting) or nettle leaf, or just a nettle or stinger, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae.Originally native to Europe, much of temperate Asia and western North Africa, it is now found worldwide, including New Zealand and North America. I am very interested in nettle seed and have discovered that Rutland Biodynamics sell both the tincture and loose seeds. Nettle fruit contains protein, mucilage, and fixed oil (primarily carvacrol [38%], carvone [9%], and naphthalene [9%]).2, 9, 10, 11, High-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, and other methods have identified the lectin specific to U. dioica roots, which may help to standardize preparations.2, 7, 8, 12, In vitro studies using human cell lines suggest extracts may down-regulate the inflammation cascade, exert effects on cyclo-oxygenase enzymes, and reduce primary T-cell responses.13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, In writhing and licking tests in rodent studies, extracts of U. dioica showed analgesic and antinociceptive properties. I am interested because of use with add/adhd. The dose, of properly de-stinged nettle seed, is 1-2 tablespoons nettle seed a day in yogurt, thick juice or similar. Doctors can also adjust the dosage, assess potential side effects, and determine if the supplement increases any health risks. The plant flowers from June to September and its fruit is a small, oval-shaped seed approximately 1 mm wide and yellow-brown in color.1, 2, 3, Although known for its stinging properties, the nettle plant has been used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, antispasmodic, and expectorant, as well as in the treatment of asthma. Tendonitis Although researc… Perhaps if you registered with Wiley Online Library..... I’m very much interested in that article! Among the conditions stinging nettles are purported to treat are: 1. Kids usually get 1/4 to 1/3 of the adult dose. Drink two or three cups each day. I know, 'cos I made a nettle salad back when I was 16, in the days when I trusted recipes in herb books rather more than I do now. The possibility of oral toxicity with nettle preparations is considered low. J. Kral, in "Phytoterapie", 1970, thought that this was due to growth hormone, and said that in their experience, a few weeks' worth of nettle seeds was very vitalizing to the elderly. There are no clinical data regarding the use of nettle in cardiovascular conditions. that's funny... my write up on Nettle says something to the effect of "finnish herbalist Henriette Kress uses nettle seed where I use fresh nettle and milky oats tincture... And, I've started using the seed, too... though I tinctured it, since I didn't really gather enough to eat by the spoonful. Everything other than the Iodine is in a proprietary blend, so the exact values of each ingredient are not available. It has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years. The best way to get all the benefits of Nettle is to consume on a daily basis the leaves and the root in the form of teas, pouring hot water directly in Nettle presents in a bowl, the leaves of Nettle pungent in infusion are particularly remineralising. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Nettles sting because they're covered in tiny hairs, which are hollow and filled with something very close to formic acid. This post is old so it’s a long shot. THYROID GLAND For an under active thyroid gland means that it needs to be fed natural iodine. However, some evidence suggests that certain nettle extracts do exhibit efficacy in reducing symptoms of BPH, as measured by International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS).2, 9, 32, 33, Improved IPSS scores have been demonstrated in limited placebo-controlled, randomized clinical studies.35, 36, 37 Three clinical studies examined nettle extracts over 8 weeks,37 1 year,36 and 6 months35 in population sizes of 100, 246, and 558 participants, respectively. The regular seeds, in doses of 14 or 16, and repeated three times daily, are highly recommended as a remedy for goiter. Wow, I can stand up without passing out now.... thank you! Haven't used tincture, dunno if that'd work in exhaustion. You ever used the seed tincture, or have any thoughts about including some of the remaining leaves attached to the tops of the plants? how does the seed works on cellulair level? Most products on the market give you 500 mg per capsule. This product has not been reviewed by the FDA to determine whether it is safe or effective and is not subject to the quality standards and safety information collection standards that are applicable to most prescription drugs. Nettle seed are so packed with nutrients that one teaspoon a day is enough. I don't pick seeds that are black. Ever since I read about that German doc I've use nettle seeds for run-down, overly tired, burned-out, or just bone-weary people -- folks who would do things if they just had the energy for it. When the seeds are ripe, by the time they are dry and black, I found it hard to separate the seeds from the rest and boy are those needles sharp and strong at the end of the season. The dose, of properly de-stinged nettle seed, is 1-2 tablespoons nettle seed a day in yogurt, thick juice or similar. -thanks. I work for the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® and we are researching a monograph on Urtica dioica. This year I will be harvesting nettle seeds. In vitro studies show that U. dioica extracts may inhibit thrombin-induced platelet aggregation, possibly because of flavonoid content, although results of in vitro studies are equivocal.40, 41, Improved lipid profiles have been demonstrated in rodent studies; reported effects on indices vary.42, 43, 44 Diuretic, natriuretic, and hypotensive actions have been demonstrated in rats.45, 46 In isolated heart studies, decreased heart rate and inotropic activity, as well as increased left ventricular pressure and vascular contractility, occurred.46, 47. As to separating from the rest, that's what the sieve is for; that takes care of dried snailshells, black leaves, the strings the seeds were growing on, and all the rest. Nettle root dosage? Yes, simply dried nettles still itch. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. A combination product includes nettle to treat hyposecretory gastritis.2, Varying chemical constituents of the plant's leaf, flower, seed, and root have been used.2 Phenolic compounds in the root, stalk, and leaves have been described.4, 5, 6 Compounds with possible clinical relevance include nettle root lignans (including divanillyltetrahydrofuran), lectin, U. dioica agglutinin, 9-hydroxy-10 trans-12-cis-octadecadienic acid, steroidal compounds (including stigmasterol, stimast-4-en-3-one, campesterol, and others), polysaccharides, and caffeic and malic acids.2, 7, 8, 9 The plant has been used as a commercial source of chlorophyll, and the young shoots are rich in carotene and vitamin C. The plant also contains B-group vitamins and vitamin K, along with other acids. 2. can nettle seed be safely used in conjunction with THYROID MEDICATION? Not all studies showed improved maximal urinary flow rate. I use it routinely for adrenal exhaustion and as a kidney support with great results, also use it in preference to anything else as a diuretic because it is not only healing to the kidney but also preserves the potassium levels in the kidney unlike many other diuretics which don't. Arthritis 4. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The horses got shiny pelts and springy steps. Nettles Dosage When considering the use of herbal supplements, seek the advice of your doctor. Stinging nettle is a plant that grows in North America, Europe, and Africa. Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity studies using the aqueous extract have been negative. Work with your doctor to determine the right dosage. Extracts are recommended to be taken daily for 3- 6 months which may lower high cholesterol and triglycerides associated with hypothyroid. Last updated on Apr 21, 2020. So giving it to him is no problem, but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on whether this is too much, too little, or just right? No alterations in prostate-specific antigen or testosterone levels were reported in a clinical trial.35, Other industry-sponsored clinical studies have used combination preparations, such as saw palmetto with nettle extract, and demonstrated a positive but small effect on nocturia in BPH (absolute reduction of 0.2 voids per night; P = 0.0015).38, American Urological Association guidelines for the management of BPH conclude that there are not sufficient high-quality, single-extract clinical trials using U. dioica to recommend or discourage its use in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to BPH.39, Nettles have traditionally been used for their diuretic and hypotensive effects. However, clinical trials are limited. -Henriette 22Sep06. Phytother. The hairs of nettles break easily, and when they do they get very sharp edges. Thanks for this wonderful article on Nettle Seed. As far as I know you can't buy them in Europe, which is why I'm so detailed in my here's how you pick your own -blogpost. Nettles are primarily known for their ability to induce acute urticaria following contact with exposed skin. Urinary tract infections 8. A tincture of the seeds can be used to raise thyroid function and reduce goiter, for skin problems, and in heavy uterine bleeding. I don't look at the color of the seeds themselves - when they're heavy enough to hang down they're ready to pick. Hay fever 7. Today (or actually, last week by the time you get to read this) I worked them through a sieve. Ref 'evel's' request about how stinging nettles work.....I can send a fairly recent article from the journal PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Potential side effects of stinging nettle Stinging nettle may cause some minor side effects such as sweating and an upset stomach. I remove diseased ones and black ones, but the rest? And Jim McDonald uses a combination of fresh nettle herb tincture and fresh milky oats tincture where I'd use nettle seed. Screening studies have evaluated nettle extracts for antiproliferative effect with varying results.11, 89 While activity in human prostate cancer cells has been demonstrated,90 no clinically important apoptosis in human cancer cell lines has been reported,89 and no relationship between flavonoid content and antiproliferative effects has been noted.12 Animal and human studies are lacking. References: Safarinejad MR. Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Authors: Marina Franciskovik et al if wanted. Alternative practitioners believe that stinging nettles can reduce pain and inflammation associated with both infectious and non-infection conditions. Amazingly, some herbalist are finding the seeds help heal damaged kidneys — wow! I think it's enough that it works. Nettle Seed Benefits. So I used gloves while working my nettle seed, because if you handle lots of nettles, dried or fresh, your hands will tingle for about a week unless you protect them. Chemical Composition of Stinging Nettle extracts. 5. Patients should not take guggul while pregnant, breastfeeding, or receiving hormone replacement therapy. 31: 1183–1191 (2017) Hi Dosage Nettles for Dogs Use the dried herb internally as: An antihistamine for your dog’s allergies (see preventative measures below) To increase iron levels (can be very helpful for anemic dogs) Help with chronic fatigue; Digestive issues; Skin issues (hives, atopic dermatitis) Dosage: 1/2 teaspoon for every pound of food daily. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of nettle extracts appeared to be protective in models of neurodegeneration in rodent studies.48 In a study in diabetic mice, nettle leaf extract improved memory and reduced depression-like behavior.49 In another study in diabetic rats, nettle extract improved cognitive function and increased pain threshold.50. Nutritive tonic- restores the body and adds nutrients. LM. Thanks. The youthfulness of course disappeared once the animals got to their new homes - no nettle seed. - posted in Supplements: I'm taking 25mg DHEA once a day, and I want to take Nettle root to act as a aromatase inhibitor. And the seed is an excellent and underused medicine. Enlarged prostate 9. 1. Over active thyroid gland means that there is an acid condition that is causing the gland to go haywire which depletes the body of energy, so we treat the central nerve system and the gland itself with herbs that have potassium iodides, bromides and phosphates. I was the only one in our family to do so ... that book went to the rubbish bin faster than you can say "it bloody itches!". 4. Adverse effects have been documented. There are no clinical data regarding the use of nettle in conditions of the CNS. Hi, my name is Omar, and I would like to know, if yuo have any information, where to buy, or to get a plant, or where to buy NETTLE seeds. Nettle: A Great Herb For Cats and Dogs. (maybe I'm just trying to get out of garbling...). Nettle seeds are suitable for children. "The Romans knew their nettle seeds: in Ovidius 'Ars Amatoria' you'll find a recipe with nettle seeds in an aphrodisiac drink. “What part of nettles do you use to root the seed or the leaf and who prepared and the dosage?” In the Nettles, the roots and the leaf are the most commonly used. This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider. Dosages of 600 mg of freeze-dried nettle leaf have been used in a clinical trial for allergic rhinitis. Treatment with systemic antihistamines and topical steroids may be of benefit.13, 100 Case reports of prolonged effects exist101; 1 case report describes generalized urticaria and elevated IgE levels in a neonate due to contact with maternal skin to which a nettle extract had been applied.84, Radix urticae extracts and other nettle preparations are generally well tolerated; minor and transient gastric effects, including diarrhea, gastric pain, and nausea, have been reported.2 There is a case report of hypoglycemia due to consumption of nettle preparations for prostatic hypertrophy; cases of gynecomastia and galactorrhea due to consumption of nettle tea have also been identified.67, 55 Clinical studies using nettles in BPH report no adverse effects at the doses used.35, 36, 37, Due to the effects on androgen and estrogen metabolism, nettle preparations are contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation and should not be used in children younger than 12 years.2, 97, The oral median lethal dose in rats is estimated to be greater than 30 g/kg for the aqueous leaf extract and 1.3 g/kg for the root.2, 9, 42 Liver function tests in rats fed aqueous nettle extracts for 30 days were normal.42 A dose of 2 g/kg of leaf extract caused diarrhea and diuresis in rats.76 Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity studies using the aqueous extract have been negative.9. Pic: Nettle seed climbing up the sides of a glass of water. "A German outfit has started to market nettle seeds in wine, of which you take 10 cl after meals. Inhaling them is no problem, but after you've been rubbing for a while you notice that you get a layer of dust on your face, and that dust itches. I was wondering, because in foraging lessons i heard about the stimulating effect of nettle seeds... i heard that the green seed gives instant energy and the brown ripe seeds give lo,g duration support and stimulation. -- Well, the adrenals sit on top of the kidneys, it sort of makes sense that the seeds would help both. You'll find microbes and fungal spores on everything. Nettles as a Diuretic. If you did that would be terrific. This brings up a discussion about using the whole herb versus certain parts of the herb. Anti-rheumatic– an umbrella term for an herb that helps musculoskeletal conditions with undefined mechanism. And that's just a tablespoon of nettle seed. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Anybody has suggestions or links to find what dosage might I start with?