abdominal visceral fat. Intensity vs volume. Conversely, advanced trainers may find better fat-loss results in keeping the intensity high. SIT led to a 6.2% fat loss and HIIT led to a 6% fat loss, a non-significant difference. High-intensity aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human skeletal muscle. They are implying that exercise plays a small role when it comes to getting lean. As there are likely to be responders and nonresponders in every exercise, fat loss trial calculating mean fat loss alone hides the significant fat loss achieved by some individuals. As expected I've noticed that I have already lost some strength after 4 weeks (and 6 lbs bw loss) and find it harder to recover. I've been thinking this over for a while and I thought it'd be the best idea to come here and ask my question. save. Diet vs cardio for weight loss. Find Your Number. High-intensity cardio is effective for fat-loss because you burn more calories per minute while doing it– when compared to low-intensity cardio, as well as during the time it takes your body to recover from the strenuous workout. The intensity weeks are simpler since you’ll use percentages of your one-rep max. Recent guidelines on exercise for weight loss and weight maintenance include resistance training as part of the exercise prescription. Now, let's say you burn 70 percent of your calories from fat at 3.0 mph. 3/11/2014 4:03:00 PM. Training volume means doing more work. Working out at a low to moderate intensity for an extended period of time, 60 to 90 minutes for example, will burn fat… As I mentioned above, those calories will most likely be compensated anyway. Posted by 6 years ago. When dieting on lower carbs and in a caloric deficiency, we recommend doing low intensity cardio with your heart rate around 110-120 beats per minute. Other people will say “fat loss is 90% diet”. Tjonna AE, Lee SJ, Rognmo O, et al. While cardio exercise causes your body to use fat as a fuel source, it also burns carbohydrates, depending on the intensity of the exercise you're doing. To better understand what may be a more complex relationship . So only doing low intensity training can eventually become counterproductive to your goals, especially if one of your goals is long-term fat loss or when you hit a plateau. The largest contributor to daily energy expenditure is your resting metabolic rate, and the only contributor to resting metabolic rate that you can control is your body composition. And also when bulking is going heavy twice on a muscle group at ppl schedule once a week required? Training intensity has been demonstrated to contribute to fat loss a few different ways. Consequently, Zhang et al., (2017) reported the same amount of fat loss in groups of women using both high intensity training and moderate intensity training, with both groups performing exercise equalling 300kj which is equivalent to about 80 calories burned. Intensity Cardio. Weight Loss; Workouts; Team TRAIN Challenge; View Larger Image; Volume vs Intensity Training: Which Is Better? Both HIIT and Strenght Training are excellent ways to lose weight! If you can burn 500 calories doing steady state cardio compared to 300 doing HIIT, the steady state, assuming you’ll stick with it, is going to increase your rates of fat loss compared to HIIT. Intensity on the other hand is how hard you are working. Increasing volume is a very simple way to make progression in the gym. In Week 1 (volume week) he’d use 85% of 190 pounds (160 pounds) for all sets. Yet few studies have compared the effects of similar amounts of aerobic and resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight adults. This means that if fat loss is your goal, your total energy expenditure should be one of the main elements to focus on. I slightly understand what intensity and volume is but need more knowledge in it. High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss. In addition to this, both genders were also able to reduce their body fat percentages to the tune of 3.3% less body fat in the female participants and 4.0% less body fat in the male participants. What matters most is the total number of calories burned. Whether increased fat burning will result in actual weight loss is dependent upon several variables, including the total calories burned (which include both fat and carbohydrate calories) and the total fat calories burned. Strict and Reduced Rest Times. Close. LISS (low-intensity steady state) is a low-intensity cardio workout that calls for typically 30 to 60 minutes spent at the fat-burning sweet spot of roughly 60 percent of maximal heart-rate effort. Whereas with LISS you’re only burning calories at that precise moment, there’s no 24 hour energy expenditure (boost in metabolism) and it hurts you down the line because your body adjusts to it and you end up needing more to lose fat. The key to weight loss success is to ALWAYS have a plan in mind. Perry CG, Heigenhauser GJ, Bonen A, Spriet LL. By Poliquin Group™ Editorial Staff. While affecting the hormonal system is the main goal of training to increase muscle mass, affecting the metabolic rate is the focus of exercise for fat loss. volume/moderate intensity vs low volume/vigorous intensity), both were equally effective in reducing percent body fat, fat mass, waist circumference and abdominal circumference in previously sedentary, overweight middle-aged adults. If trying to zap off that last bit of fat or if you have reached a stick point even while on lower carbs, you can add in HIIT on NON-weight training days, preferably on the elliptical machine. To keep up with the body’s quick aerobic adaptation process, a person would need to continually run for longer and longer distances and durations just to burn the same amount of calories they did when they first started. The ‘Afterburn’ (EPOC) Isn’t Anything Special. That would be .60 x 400, or 240 calories from fat. Also, while high-intensity exercise is more effective for fat loss than low-intensity exercise on a minute-per-minute basis, low-intensity exercise has the greater overall capacity to produce weight loss because it’s possible to do so much more of it. Now, let's say you burn 60 percent of your calories from fat at 4.0 mph. When we talk volume and intensity in strength training, the interpretation usually goes as follows: "volume" refers to how many reps or sets are performed, and "intensity" indicates how much weight is lifted, which can also be expressed as a relative percentage of your maximum capability. At what percentage of maximum effort … While more studies are needed to compare the fat loss effects of high reps vs. low reps, ... It’s not easy to perfectly describe the volume/intensity for each workout, which is why a qualitative assessment should also be used. Length Vs. Simply do more. View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Feb 2013 Posts 274. This involves performing several sets of up to 12 repetitions for each exercise, each session, with up to 36 repetitions per exercise. High volume, moderate/low intensity vs low volume and high intensity for fat loss? Dr. Norton advises basing your training plan around high-resistance work, and adding in low-resistance training to increase your calorie and fat burn when you're lacking in energy, as constantly performing high-intensity work can take its toll on your body. Moderate Intensity training led to a 3.4% fat loss. Thread Tools. Participants who underwent these training regimens lost nearly twice the fat as those who underwent moderate continuous training. J Obes 2011;2011:868305. These two High Intensity Power Training workouts combine the beneficial aspects of the study so you can improve body composition, aerobic fitness and enhance skills that’ll transfer over to bigger PRs. Studies show that you get greater fat loss through high intensity training because of the increase in oxidative capacity. If you enjoyed this article, then your going to love the HealthyFITNESS Fat Loss Challenge! report. Fran Jul 25, 2012 - 15:17 # As always I so appreciate your responses and information, and your attention to detail. If you do work at a low intensity, you need to increase the time spent exercising to burn more calories. In that case, focusing on hypertrophy training with a lot of volume won’t be beneficial to you beyond the number of calories you burn during your workouts. Thanks . You have probably heard this phrase, “abs are made in the kitchen”. Which one will help me progress in my lifts? Which one is more important when bulking? Archived . Exercise accounts for 10-15% of your weight loss success, the rest of the battle happens at the dinner table. I have helped countless people get lean with cardio when diet alone was failing them. Sprint Intensity Training and High-Intensity Interval Training were both associated with the highest amount of fat loss. That would be .70 x 300, or 210 calories from fat. High volume, moderate/low intensity vs low volume and high intensity for fat loss? you want fat loss Alternating between bursts of intense exercise with short rest periods gives you the same (if not more) health benefits of slow and steady cardio, but in a shorter amount of time. It is a mistaken belief that long and slow, low intensity cardio is best for fat loss because it utilizes the aerobic system and burns fat during exercise. That could be over the course of a day, or a week. It could be achieved by doing more training sessions, more sets or exercises within a session, or more reps within a set. The traditional approach to bodybuilding the high volume weight training method. You can see that at 4.0 mph you burn less fat by percent but more total fat (and more total calories). share. 18 comments. If you have the time for multiple short sessions per week, it would be wise to go with intensity. hide. Intermediate fat loss programming volume/intensity question; Results 1 to 5 of 5 Thread: Intermediate fat loss programming volume/intensity question. Like it or not, the moment you step into a gym you inadvertently join a long-running locker-room debate about whether intensity or volume produces superior muscle gains. Or do 1 day heavy and the other a little lighter? I love handling heavy weights, I like to challenge myself, I like to feel like I left everything I had on the gym floor. Let’s say a lifter’s one-rep max (1RM) on the bench press is 235 pounds. Intermediate fat loss programming volume/intensity question Hi Andy, I originally posted this … The Five Rules of High-Intensity Workouts For Fat Loss and a Killer Physique. If you already have a significant amount of muscle mass or minimal amount of fat to lose, you shouldn’t expect muscle gain during your fat loss. Show Printable Version ; 05-02-2015, 05:54 AM #1. deeprooted. Wondering what your thoughts are on volume vs intensity when in a deficit in an attempt to minimize strength and LBM loss. First, increasing the amount of effort (percentage of an all-out effort) creates a significant training stress, which results in a positive hormonal release and continued oxygen utilization after exercise. High intensity cardio is actually far superior and more effective for fat loss than low intensity cardio for several reasons.. A straightforward but effective way to get more training volume using higher intensity (or percent of 1-rep-max) in a training session, is to find the minimum rest time needed for recovery at the planned work weight.. Let’s say that you’re resting two minutes between each set of squats, but you’re only doing two reps at 80% of your 1-rep-max. That is, volume digs a hole with a shovel and intensity digs with a spade. Yet is there something missing from such studies? Tweet Print Imagine the perfect workout. Volume vs Intensity I am a simple person, I don't follow complex training schemes, I go in, I pick up the heaviest weight I can handle for about 10 reps, I rep to failure, rinse and repeat. Based on the chart, his eight-rep max would be 190 pounds (80% of 235). Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2008;33:1112–23. If fat loss responders alone were examined in this study (women who lost rather than gained fat), then average fat loss was 3.94 kg. 7 1 17.